
The Cat in animation4rthe Hat, was written by Dr. Seuss in 1957. The story is of two children and there cynical talking goldfish who are left alone in the house when their parents leave. It is raining so the kids are left inside with nothing to do. The Cat in the Hat comes along with thing one and thing two and proceeds to try to entertain the children with a large amount of chaos resulting….Continue and watch the video


Dr. Seuss turns 50 simple words into magic in this time-honored classic.

Sam-I-am won’t give up! He keeps trying to get the grumpy grown-up in the story to taste green eggs and ham.

No matter how Sam-I-am presents the green eggs and ham (in a box, with a fox, in the rain, on a train), the stubborn grouch refuses to try them.

Finally, Sam-I-am’s pesky persistence pays off. A crowd of open-mouthed onlookers watch in suspense as the old grouch takes a bite. And? … Continue



The Lorax is a story about the tree loving Lorax and the greedy Onceler. When the Onceler shows up, he notices a forest of truffula trees. He realizes that these natural resources could be profitable by making “THNEEDS” out of them.

A thneed is a fine something that all people need. The Onceler, in his greedy state, encounters the Lorax. The Lorax “speaks for the trees because the trees have no tongues”. He protests the He called his family one by one and then all of them came and started to help him. They started whacking down trees to make Thneeds, something that everyone needs. These “things” started to sell at an amazing pace and the Onceler was making so much money. Pretty soon, something very terrible happened…Continue and watch the video



Dr. Seuss Book “Oh Say Can You Say” is loaded with 24 funny tongue twisters…it is fun to watch the video but can be more fun when you try to say some !…lets try the ones below:

If your daddy’s name is Jim
and if Jim swims and if Jim’s slim,
the perfect Christmas gift for him
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